Have you ever packed your bags and halfway down the road realized that you left something behind at home, raise your hand. I know I am guilty! I then must re-buy the item elsewhere usually at a higher price point. It is so easy to forget those essential items because we already have enough going on in our mind, add in packing for a baby, and phew! Packing for a toddler whether you are going on a road trip or flying across the country, is no easy task.
I remember packing for our first trip with our toddler, I thought oh my goodness, how many bags does one small human need? Of course, when we got to the destination and started unpacking or needed an item we realized we had forgotten it. Here are some of the most essential items we make sure to bring on our trips. You can also download my Toddler Essential Vacation Checklist so you never forget what to pack your toddler.

Packing for a Toddler: The Essentials
- Clothes- make sure to bring at least 2 to 3 extra outfits, we know how messy babies can be or if they have an explosive poop. Be prepared by packing a few extra for that “just in case situation.”
- Diapers and wipes- I have packed diapers, thought it would be enough, but ran out. Make sure you are packing enough for the whole trip. Easiest solution to this would be to buy a buy an entire box. Don’t forget the overnight diapers as well!
- Diaper cream- that nasty poop and rash can pop up at any time, make sure you have diaper rash cream handy to help ease the irritation. Our favorite is Aquaphor Diaper Rash Paste.
- Medicine- bring Tylenol or Motrin incase of a fever (you never know if they will be teething or catch something) I like to always pack baby Benadryl as well incase of an allergic reaction or itching.
Load up for the Car or Plane
- Toys- bring toys for the car and to entertain them for the whole vacation, some of my go to toys are water beads, Melissa and Doug wow water books, a playdough tray, a shape sorter, and stacking cups.
- Snacks for the car and the trip- our favorite is pirate booty, cheerios, plum snack bars, and goldfish. Head over to my shop to see the snack cups we use. They are perfect for the car or plane.
- Tablet or computer with hotspot to allow your child to watch their favorite movie or TV. This is best for long car rides or trips.
Eating out on Vacation
- Sippy cups, silicone placemat and bib- take these to restaurants.
Bedtime Essentials on your Trip
- Lovey or favorite stuffed animal to help calm your toddler with any nerves while being away from home.
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Wash cloths and body wash
- Books for bedtime- we bring our daughters favorite books, again try and stay as consistent as you can with your bed time routine that includes reading books before going to bed
Just In Case
- Pack n’ play- luckily my parents have an extra pack n play at their house so we haven’t had to haul this, but it is definitely something I would recommend bringing to help keep the night time routine as consistent as possible.
- Portable high chair- we use the booster seat that came with our highchair
- This may not be feasible, but if you have an additional camera/baby monitor
- White noise machine- most babies sleep with white noise, if you do not have a portable machine, use an old cell phone! I use our Spotify account and loop music through that.
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If you are traveling over the holiday weekend, I hope this quick list helps you feel a little more prepared. Do you have any other suggestions for traveling or packing with a baby or a toddler? I have not ventured on a plane yet with ours, any suggestions would be helpful!