We see so many positive posts on social media regarding pregnancy and birth, but there is truly little out there on the reality of postpartum care healing and recovery after vaginal birth. So commonly we scroll through social media and see moms looking so pleasant and put together after birth. Now, do not get me wrong, I never thought healing and recovery after vaginal birth would be a walk in the park, but I was not as prepared for postpartum as I would have hoped. I was quite opposite from the moms who posted on social media. I had time to shower maybe 2 or 3 times the first week, lived in my maternity nursing gowns 90% of the time, and didn’t touch my makeup until 4 months later.
What does healing and recovery after vaginal birth look like for you after the birth of your baby?
I am going to shed some light on the truth of after pregnancy and postpartum. Below are 5 recovery tips for postpartum healing that I wish I had known sooner.
Tired as a Mother
Let’s start after the birth of the baby. Reality has not quite set in yet and your adrenalin may still be going. Once settled in the room, you and the baby are continually getting poked and prodded at after giving birth. Obviously with good cause, but it is so hard to get sleep while staying in the hospital which leads me to my next point: sleep deprivation, it is a real thing. By the time I got home from the hospital I think I was running on maybe 4 hours of sleep over the course of 48 hours or more.
I was completely drained, emotional, and exhausted. So many feelings are rushing through your mind. You want your friends and family to meet your beautiful baby, but at the same time you just want to be left alone. Anyone who knows me, knows I never ask for help. I did not and I do not want you to make the same mistake I did. If someone asks to help you, take it! Take that extra hour to get some sleep or to take a nice warm shower. Even taking a 10-minute hot shower made a world of a difference to me. Your body needs to heal and recover. The best way to start recovering is drinking plenty of water and giving your body the rest it needs.
Join a Support Network
As a new mom, I would strongly encourage you to join some kind of support network or to join a mom’s group to help cope with postpartum. I can not tell you how comforting it is to see and be around other women who are going through and experiencing what you are. I decided to join a free breastfeeding group that was offered by my closest hospital when my daughter was 3 weeks old. It was twice a week for an hour or two which was a great way to make me get myself out of the house and feel somewhat normal again. I know those first few weeks are tough, but there is comfort in being around others that are willing to be a friend, a listening ear, or are offering advice. You can find support networks through your community, Facebook and social media sites.
Postpartum Hormones and Healing
After you give birth, your hormones will be all over the place. It takes quite a bit of time for your body to recover and get back to normal. Do not be surprised if you experience anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, and hair loss. Hair loss is quite common after you give birth. I didn’t start losing my hair until 4 months postpartum. I remember being in the shower and losing clumps of hair or having strands wrapped around my ponytail holder. It was very startling and something I was not aware could happen during postpartum. After researching and looking online, I ended up buying invisibobble hair rings, these were the perfect solution to putting my hair up. Most importantly, you should continue to take your prenatal vitamins after pregnancy. This will ensure that you are getting the right nutrients your body needs to recover.
Healing and Recovery, take it easy
I did not expect to be so sore after pregnancy and labor. It was extremely hard for me to walk, move, and quite frankly deal with everyday life the first two weeks.
What makes this first two weeks difficult is the possibility of a vaginal tear during delivery. For me, I was left with a level 2 tear that I had to manage. Tears can range anywhere from a 1 to a 4. I was in a lot of pain and did not fully heal until about 6 or 7 weeks later. Please keep in mind that everyone’s pain and tolerance is different. Therefore, I recommend relaxing and staying put. I was constantly trying to clean up the house and wanting to put things away. I was lucky that while doing this I did not tear a stitch or cause more pain. Instead, my advice to you is to take the down time to cuddle and snuggle with your baby. After all, the newborn phase comes and goes by so quickly!
Bleeding the First Few Weeks of Postpartum
You will use adult diapers/ or mesh panties the first few weeks of postpartum. They are not very stylish or comfortable, but they are necessary with how much you will be bleeding and clotting. I underestimated how much I would use them. My husband had to run out at least 2 times to get more. I personally loved using depends during this time. Stock up ahead of time if you can!
Using the toilet and how to make it manageable
I remember going to the bathroom the first time after vaginal birth I was terrified. Let me introduce you to the perineal bottle. In short, this is a squirt bottle. Fill it with warm water and gently squirt it every time you use the bathroom. This will help consistently clean and soothe the perineal area. It was my best friend during this time. I would recommend having two. I kept one in the shower and one in the bathroom. When finished cleansing, gently blot with toilet paper. I always added tucks medicated cooling pads with witch hazel to my depends. Keep the witch hazel in the fridge, you will thank me later.
The bump is a great online resource to refer to, the attached link dives deeper into postpartum care. This site also provides upcoming moms and seasoned moms with advice and tips about not only pregnancy and postpartum but also parenting and baby gear. I always loved seeing the weekly pregnancy updates on my babies development.
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